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AYM Recognition Award: Brother James E. Kurth PM 1398

On Wednesday 13th November 2024, Brother Liam Stewart S.P.G.M. accompanied by Bro. Martin G. Smillie P.S.P.G.W., visited Lodge St. Maurs No.1398.

Lodge Union No.244 (Lanarkshire Upper Ward) conferred a fantastic MM Degree, much to the enjoyment of all in attendance.

Brother Thomas Lynch WJW 126 was then invited to carry out his special duties and presented Bro. James E. Kurth PM with the first Recognition Award, on behalf of the Ayrshire Young Masons.

This was a token of appreciation to Bro. Kurth for his longstanding and continued support for AYM, particularly fund-raising efforts.

Also pictured are the Substitute Provincial Grand Master and Provincial Grand Secretary of Lanarkshire Upper Ward, both PMs of Lodge Union.

An excellent night was had by all and some time spent in pleasant harmony at the close of the meeting.



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