Office Bearers
Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master
Bro. James Bell
Initiated into Lodge Prestwick 1060 on 8 January 1976 and held office from December of that year until serving as RWM from December 1985 to December 1986. After serving as Immediate Past Master took up the office of Lodge Treasurer and held that office until 1994 when elected as Treasurer of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire. After stepping down as Provincial Grand Treasurer in 2000 was made an Honorary Provincial Grand Treasurer by Bro. John Ralston, Provincial Grand Master in 2001. Honorary member of Lodge St. James Tarbolton (Kilwinning) No. 135. Elected to Grand Committee for the first time in 2003 and was appointed to serve on the Administration Committee and through that committee various sub-committees. Re-elected to Grand Committee in 2004 and 2007. In 2007 was elected to the office of Worshipful Grand Inner Guard in Grand Lodge. Progressed through Worshipful Junior Grand Standard Bearer in 2008 and Worshipful Senior Grand Standard Bearer in 2009 until elected as Right Worshipful Grand Treasurer in 2010. Chairman of the Administration Committee 2010-2020. Appointed Depute Grand Master 2021. Member of the Administration Committee. Director of Scottish Masonic Homes Ltd and Trustee of the Grand Lodge of Scotland Pension Fund. Commissioned Depute Provincial Grand Master February 2018. Appointed Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master 2 February 2023.

Depute Provincial Grand Master
Bro. Stephen Robert McConnachie
Initiated into Lodge Royal Blues No.399 Kilbirnie in January 1988. Installed as Right Worshipful Master in 2000 and served as Master for two years. Continued to be involved in Lodge activities following tenure as Master and eventually elected Lodge Treasurer. Honorary member of Lodge Beith St. John's (Kilwinning) No.157, Lodge Dalry Blair No.290 and Lodge Neptune Kilwinning No.442. Elected PGLA 2nd Steward in 2005 and progressed to the office of PGLA Bard before being commissioned by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Robert Little in February 2013 as a Substitute Provincial Grand Master. Member of PGL Committee since 2007 and since 2010 has been one of the representatives for PGLA, of the Friends of Marcus Humphrey House. Made Honorary Grand Senior Deacon in November 2017. Appointed Depute Provincial Grand Master by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother James Bell on 2 February 2023.

Substitute Provincial Grand Master
Bro. William Grant
Initiated into Lodge Royal Arch No.314 (West Kilbride) in April 1976. Installed as Right Worshipful Master in December 2000 and served as Master for two years. Elected as Lodge Treasurer from 2004 till 2012. Currently holding Office as Director of Ceremonies. Proxy Master Lodge Elgin No.1562 Jamaica. Honorary member of Lodge Montgomerie Kilwinning No.624 and Lodge Breda No.821 in the Province of Down IC. Elected to Provincial Grand Lodge Committee in 2003 and continuously elected to Committee since then. Elected to the Office of Provincial Grand Lodge Steward in 2004 and progressed through Offices to position of PGL Director of Ceremonies. Served on Disciplinary Committee from 2010 till 2018. Commissioned by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother Billy Steel on 1 February 2018 as a Substitute Provincial Grand Master. Commissioned again as Substitute Provincial Grand Master by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Bro. James Bell on 2 February 2023. Granted Rank of Honorary Grand Senior Deacon in October 2022.

Substitute Provincial Grand Master
Bro. Stuart McCall
Initiated into Lodge Burns St. Mary Hurlford No.505 in 1994 and held first office as Jeweller the following year. Served in a number of offices over the years and was elected RWM in 2008-10. Served as Lodge Secretary from 2012-13. Proud to be an honorary member of Lodge Newbattle St. Mary No. 1063 and Lodge Troon Navigation No.86. Commissioned as Provincial Grand Secretary February 2013 - February 2023. Proxy Worshipful Senior Warden Lodge Anik No.1707 Labrador. Made Honorary Grand Assistant Secretary in November 2017. Commissioned as Substitute Provincial Grand Master by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother James Bell on 2 February 2023.

Substitute Provincial Grand Master
Bro. Liam Stewart
Initiated into Lodge St. Peter No.331 in 2003, following his late Grandfather and Father, both of whom Past Masters of 331. Progressed through various offices becoming Master in 2010 for two terms. Thereafter elected to Provincial Grand Committee and elected as a Provincial Grand Office-bearer. Reached the Office of Provincial Grand Junior Deacon before Commissioned appointment by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother James Bell on 2 February 2023. Honorary Member of Lodges 86, 133, 169 and 505. Affiliate member of Lodge Stinchar Valley No.1705, Installed as Master 2022 and 2023. A third generation Past Master of Lodge St. Peter, worked degrees with his Grandfather and Father. Installing Master at aged 27 and Installed his own father as Master four times in two different Lodges. Participated in many Installations and at Harmonies across the Scottish Craft including several Festivals of St. Andrew. Much in demand due to his musical ability as a champion and accomplished accordion player. Committed to serving the Province and has a particular interest in nurturing the Ayrshire Young Masons Group and their role in the enthusiastic and creative work of our Daughter Lodges.

Substitute Provincial Grand Master
Bro. John Johnstone Muir
Initiated into Lodge St. John (Kilwinning) Kilmarnock No.22 on 2nd April 2004 and took first office as Marshal in 2005 working up the Offices to become RWM of the Lodge 2013 to 2014.
Elected to Provincial Grand Lodge Committee 2015 and re elected to date. Elected as an Office-bearer in 2015 and rose to the rank of Provincial Grand Architect till Commissioned as Substitute Provincial Grand Master by Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master Brother James Bell on 2nd Feb 2023. Proud to have been made an Honorary member of Lodge St Andrew Kilmarnock No.126, Lodge Burns St. Mary No.505 and Lodge Burns Dundonald No.1759.

Provincial Grand Secretary
Bro. Robert McMaster
Initiated into Girvan St Johns’ No.237 in 2007, taking first office as Inner Guard in 2008. Serving through various offices working towards the Office of RWM 2011- 2013. Served as Secretary of Lodge Girvan St Johns’ since 2017. Affiliate member of Lodge Stinchar Valley No.1705 holding the office of Treasurer since 2014. Commissioned as Provincial Grand Secretary by the RWPGM Brother James Bell on 2 February 2023.

Provincial Grand Treasurer
Bro. Neil Kinnes Mitchell
Initiated into Lodge St. Peter Galston No.331 in February 1968. Installed as Treasurer in November 1969 and held that office until November 1973. Acted as an auditor until November 1982. Re-elected as Treasurer until November 2001. Thereafter Right Worshipful Master. After one term as RWM and two as IPM, once again elected and installed as Treasurer till present. In 2008 elected to Provincial Grand Committee. 2010 till present has served as Provincial Grand Treasurer. Made Honorary Grand Assistant Treasurer November 2016.

Provincial Grand Chaplain
Bro. Revd. Stephen Clipston
Minister of Auchinleck Parish Church linked with Catrine Parish Church of Scotland. Initiated into Lodge St. John Catrine No.497 on 3 October 2012. Installed as Inner Guard on 26 October 2013 subsequently installed as Junior Deacon on 25 October 2014. Installed as Worshipful Junior Warden in October 2015 and Worshipful Senior Warden in October 2017. RWM 2021-23. Honorary member of Lodge Prestwick No.1060. Commissioned as Provincial Grand Chaplain on 13 February 2015. Commissioned Junior Grand Chaplain to the Grand Lodge of Scotland November 2024.

Provincial Grand Chaplain
Bro. Revd. Alexander John Shuttleworth
Formerly Minister of Saline and Blairingone Parish Church linked with Tulliallan and Kincardine Parish Church. Also former Minister in Tarbolton Parish. Initiated in Lodge St James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton No.135 in 2013. Installed as Director of Music in December 2013 and as Senior Chaplain in December 2015. Commissioned as Chaplain to the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire 1 February 2018. Appointed Junior Grand Chaplain to the Grand Lodge of Scotland October 2019 and Senior Grand Chaplain 2024. Affiliate member of Lodge St. Servanus No.771 and Honorary member of Lodge St. John Tulliallan No.598. A native of Dumfriesshire and well known Speaker on Robert Burns.

Senior Warden
Bro. John O'Neil
St. Marnock No.109
Junior Warden
Bro. William Forbes Templeton Cuthbert
St. John No.11
Director of Ceremonies
Bro. Murray P. B. Hunter
Stinchar Valley No.1705
Senior Deacon
Bro. Colin McCormick
St. James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton No.135
Junior Deacon
Bro. James Kurth
St. Maurs No.1398
Bro. Henry James Jamieson
Ayr St. Paul No.204
Bro. Brian Thomas Gibson
St. John Royal Arch No.320
Bro. Paul Devlin
St. Maurs No.1398
Bro. Charles Mitchell
Wallace St. Hugh No.1212
Bro. Derek Rutherford
Burns St. Mary No.505
Director of Music
Bro. Gordon Harris Hughes
Dalry Blair No.290
Bro. Jackie Docherty
Beith St. John's (Kilwinning) No.157
Bro. Edward Vallance
St. David Tarbolton (Mauchline) No.133
Bro. S. Kettlewell
St. James (Kilwinning) Tarbolton No.135
Bro. James Joseph Gibson
Royal Blues No.399
Inner Guard
Bro. William Cowan
Prestwick No.1060
President of Stewards
Bro. William Donaldson
Troon Navigation No.86
Vice President of Stewards
Bro. David Penny
Royal Arch No.314
Grand Steward
Bro. James Goldie
Montgomerie Kilwinning No.624
Grand Steward
Bro. David Wason
Fergusson St. James No.566
Bro. David John Fergusson
Troon Navigation No.86