Bro. James Bell
Provincial Grand Master
Welcome to the website of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire.
Ayrshire is an old and historical county and has traditionally comprised of three areas, Carrick to the South, Kyle in the centre and Cunningham to the North. The Coats of Arms of these ancient provinces are incorporated in the seal of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire.
There are 44 Daughter Lodges in the Province situated from Girvan in the South to Skelmorlie in the North, from Ayr in the West to Muirkirk in the East, each Lodge being unique and distinct from the others.
Since its formation in 1739, the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire has been active in the promotion of the ideal that “Freemasonry makes a good man a better man”.
I am confident that our commitment to serving our Communities will not waver in the years that lie ahead.
Having been appointed as Provincial Grand Master on 2 February 2023, I am conscious of the great debt the Province owes to my predecessor, Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master Bro. William C Steel, for the hard work and leadership shown during the almost two years of the suspension of Masonic activity due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Through his hard work all of our 44 Lodges came through and all are once again holding regular meetings. The newly appointed Commissioned Office-bearers and I will continue the efforts of the Immediate Past Provincial Grand Master and offer assistance and guidance to the Lodges to help in the recovery process.
We are fortunate to have an active group in the Ayrshire Young Masons Association (AYMA). This group, the idea for which originated during the lockdown period, have already made an impact with their organised activities which have included an inaugural meeting followed by a social event, an autumn seminar, Burns Supper, guest speakers and more. I look forward to working closely with the members of the AYMA and I am certain that their enthusiasm will help to reinvigorate our Lodges as the year goes on.
One area which continued unabated during the lockdown is the charitable giving of the Lodges and Brethren. A great number of small local initiatives were supported by the Lodges to assist the more unfortunate members of society at a time of uncertainty and need. This effort, I am sure, will continue now that Masonic activity is fully restored. With the many issues facing communities at home and abroad at this time – cost of living increases, global conflict and international disasters etc.- I have a certainty that our Lodges will do their utmost, as they have in the past, to assist in relieving the distress whenever they can.
I am looking forward with great anticipation to the five years ahead, working with our Lodges and promoting their interests to the best of my ability.
James Bell, Provincial Grand Master
February 2023