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Lodge St Peter No. 331 - £100 Donation to Teddies for Loving Care

On Wednesday 17th April, Provincial Grand Master, Brother James Bell, attended the regular meeting of Lodge St. Peter No. 331, where he was presented with a cheque for £100, which had been raised for the Teddies for Loving Care initiative.

This was the last meeting of the season* for 331, and Brother Archibald Chalmers PPGM was invited to deliver a talk on, “The Story of the Victoria Cross”.

This was well received and much enjoyed by the assembled brethren, who were most impressed by Brother Chalmers’ presentation, as well as the obvious hard work/research done to prepare such a lecture.

After the meeting, the brethren (including the RWMs of 51, 127 and 971) enjoyed the usual 331 harmony and hospitality.

*NB. Lodge St. Peter will be holding their special ‘Charter Meeting’ on Wednesday 28th August. It is hoped that an EA Degree will be conferred upon a progressive candidate. All welcome!


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