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Charity Walk by Bro. Robert Green PM & Bro. John Oliver PM: £4681 raised for Girvan RNLI

On Tuesday 21st May 2024, Depute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Stephen McConnachie attended Lodge Burns St. Mary No.505.

In the company of the RWM of Lodge 505 Bro. Tom Lightbody, DPGM Bro. McConnachie witnessed the presentation of a cheque by Bro. John Oliver (left) and Bro. Robert Green (right) to Bro. Robert McMaster PM of Lodge 237 who was representing Girvan RNLI.

Bro. Green PM of Lodge St John Maybole No. 11, and Bro. Oliver of Lodge Burns St. Mary No.505, had recently completed a charity fundraising sponsored walk from Kilmarnock to Girvan life boat station.

The walk was in aid of the Girvan Life Boats and they raised the magnificent sum of £4681. 

This is not the first time these brethren have raised funds for good causes. Bro. Green took part in the Masons for Munros last year and Bro. Oliver, along with his son Callum, walked the west Highland Way. Both raised significant sums for their chosen charities.

Depute PGM Bro. McConnachie congratulated the two brethren for their magnificent efforts, and thanked them on behalf of the Province for their charity work as Ayrshire Freemasons.

The brethren had a well deserved dram at the finish line accompanied by Bro. Mervyn Stuart, Bro. Robert Stevenson and Bro. Phil Kennedy.

The Provincial Grand Secretary, Bro. Robert McMaster, received a letter of thanks from brother John and Brother Tobert, thanking all those who supported their endeavour. The letter is as follows:

“Dear Sir and Brother,

On behalf of myself and PM Robert Green , we would like to thank all lodges, and individual brethren of the lodges, who very kindly sponsored us on our recent walk from Kilmarnock to Girvan lifeboat station.

Through your generosity,  PM Robert and I , presented a cheque to PGS Robert McMaster , who was representing Girvan lifeboat for a fantastic sum of £4,681.

We would like to thank everyone who took the time to walk a part of the way , and in some cases all the way ( you know who you are ) PGM Jim Bell for the last mile, thanks to the Girvan lifeboat crew for a wee spin out in the bay, and to the ladies of the lifeboat station for a wonder buffet.

And in conclusion , once again from Pm John Oliver and Pm Robert Green, our heartfelt thanks.



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