The Annual Masters' Dinner was held in Kilmarnock Masonic Halls on 27 April 2023.
Prior to the dinner taking place, the Provincial Grand Master Brother James Bell presented a cheque for £1,000 to Gillian McNeilly representing Whiteleys Retreat in Ayr.
Whiteleys are a very deserving charity which offers respite to children and families suffering from cancer and life changing illness across Scotland. In accepting the cheque Gillian invited the Brethren to visit later in the year when there is an opportunity during some restorative work to see how funds are used.
Presentation to Gillian McNeilly from Whiteley's Retreat in Ayr
The Provincial Grand Master also presented a cheque for £1,000 to Jemma Mullen representing South Ayrshire Women's Aid. This charity gives support and temporary accommodation to children and women who have experienced domestic abuse.
For more information on South Ayrshire Women's Aid, please click here
Presentation to Jemma Mullen from from South Ayrshire Women's Aid
Following a wonderful meal supplied and served by Mrs Oliver and her team, the Provincial Grand Master presented a cheque for £1,000 to Mrs Pauline Moriarty for her charity Beautiful Inside and Out which is a charity she started to support siblings and families bereaved by suicide in young people along with support in counselling and providing self worth.
For more information on Beautiful Inside and Out please, click here.
To make a donation to Beautiful Inside and Out, please click here.
PGM James Bell with Pauline Moriarty from Beautiful Inside and Out
In thanking the Provincial Grand Master, Mrs Moriarty spoke very movingly of her personal experience and loss of her daughter Jenna at age 13 and how this donation could provide twenty five counselling sessions and enabling lives to be saved.
Pauline Moriarty
Bro. Ian Gordon a member of the Lodge of Erskine No.1566, The Bridgeton and Glasgow Shamrock and Thistle Lodge No.275 and Lodge the Princes No.607 was introduced by the Provincial Grand Master as the main speaker for the evening. Bro. Gordon gave a very humorous overview of his experience of thirty one years as a Police Officer in Glasgow retiring as Chief Superintendent. His speech was well received and enjoyed by all.
Bro. Ian Gordon
PGM James Bell thanking Bro. Ian Gordon
Depute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Stephen McConnachie gave a vote of thanks particularly to all who had taken part and in organising the evening.
The raffle achieved the sum of £435.
Depute Provincial Grand Master Bro. Stephen McConnachie
A great evening had by all.