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The 2024 Master's Dinner

On Friday 26 April 2024, the annual Provincial Grand Lodge Masters dinner was held at Kilmarnock social club in London Road. The meeting was chaired by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Bro. James Bell and the guest of honour was the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Bro. Dr Joseph Morrow.

Also in attendance was Mr Jim Todd, Provost of East Ayrshire, Samantha Ralston and Linda McCurracgh from NODA (No One Dies Alone), Rebekah McGinn from Crosshouse Children's Fund, as well as Fiona Scott and Laura McCulloch, the senior sisters from the Paediatric Unit at University Hospital Crosshouse.

RWPGM Bro. Bell presented cheques for £1000 to each of the charities represented and a further cheque for £200 was presented to Provost Todd.

Mr Jim Todd thanking the MWGMM Bro. Dr Joseph Morrow.

After the presentations, a fine 3 course meal was served after which Bro. Bell introduced each of the charity representatives who spoke of the wonderful work they undertake for people Ayrshire.

Samantha Ralston and Linda McCurracgh from NODA (No One Dies Alone)

Rebekah McGinn from Crosshouse Children's Fund

The nursing staff from the paediatric unit then thanked the masonic brethren in Ayrshire for their fundraising in support of Teddies for Loving Care which has been a great success in comforting sick children.

RWPGM Bro. James Bell

Sister Fiona Scott, Paediatric Unit, Crosshouse Hospital

The RWPGM Bro. Bell then introduced the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro. Dr. Joseph Morrow, who enlightened the audience with his experiences as the Lord Lion, King of Arms, and his work in organising the State funeral of our late Majesty Queen Elizabeth II.

The Grand Master Mason - Bro. Dr Joseph Morrow

Bro. Morrow then presented Bro. Bell with a signed portrait and thanked the brethren of Ayrshire for their contributions towards local charities and their zeal for Freemasonry.

At the end of the evening, Provincial Grand Secretary, Bro. Robert McMaster proposed a vote of thanks to the speakers and at the conclusion each went off their separate ways, resolved to meet another day.

Provincial Grand Secretary, Bro. Robert McMaster

The Master's Dinner, 2024




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