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Installation: Lodge Thistle No.127 - RWM Brother Elijah Beattie

On Saturday 11th January Bro. James Bell RWPGM headed a large Deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire into Lodge Thistle No.127 where they witnessed the installation of Bro. Elijah Beattie.

The Installation was carried out in front of a very busy Lodge room to a very high standard. This was Bro. Angus MacDonald's first time Installing and he carried out his duties magnificently. The Installing Masters were Bro. Robert Rosbotham PM 127, Bro. Angus MacDonald IPM 127 and Bro. James Stephen PM 592.

RWM Elijah Beattie and his son Douglas
RWM Elijah Beattie and his son Douglas

Bro. James Bell RWPGM addressed the RWM Bro. Elijah and was first to congratulate him on behalf of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire. Bro. William Grant SPGM also addressed the RWM and congratulated him on taking the chair for his 5th term over his 57 years as a member of 127 and wished him and the newly Installed Office-bearers a very successful year in office and looked forward to seeing the RWM and Wardens at the PGLA quarterly communications and Divine Services.

Installing Master Bro Angus MacDonald IPM  and Bro Maxwell Galt SM
Installing Master Bro Angus MacDonald IPM and Bro Maxwell Galt SM

A very enjoyable harmony followed, where the company was favoured with excellent toasts and harmony.




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Bro S Kettlewell PM 135  |  Bro C McCormick PM 135

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