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Installation Lodge Loudoun (Kilwinning) No. 51

On Saturday 4th November, Lodge Loudoun (Kilwinning) No.51, celebrated their annual Installation.

Brother Arthur Sharp was installed as Master of the Lodge, by Brother Archibald Chalmers PM 127, Brother Robert G. Smith PM 51 and Brother Gavin B. Kerr PM 51 - their contributions were very much appreciated and enjoyed by the assembled Brethren.

The Provincial Grand Master, Brother James Bell, headed a sizeable Deputation from Provincial Grand Lodge, with SPGM Brother Liam Stewart as the appointed Commissioned Office-bearer for the event.

There was a good turnout of Brethren from within and out with Ayrshire, including a number of Brethren representing the neighbouring ‘Valley Lodges’ 331, 505 and 971.

An excellent ceremony of Installation was followed by a superb meal, great toast list, and wonderful company.

RWM Bro. Arthur Sharp

The newly-installed Master Brother Arthur Sharp with Installing Masters

Bro. Archie Chalmers PM 127, Bro. Gavin Kerr PM 51 and Robert Smith PM 51.

RWPGM Bro. James Bell with RWM Bro. Arthur Sharp

The Master, Installing Masters, RWPGM and members of Lodge Loudoun (Kilwinning), including honorary member Brother Robert Little PPGM.



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