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Charity Degree in memory of Bro. William Fisher PM & Bro Teh Wason PM: £7105 raised for the Ayrshire Hospice.

SPGM Bro. Stephen McConnachie and his Deputation attended a special meeting at Lodge Wallace St. Hugh No.1212 on Saturday 21st of September where they witnessed an Entered Apprentice Degree carried out by the Fisher & Wason families in memory of the late Bro Willie Fisher PM of Lodge Wallace St. Hugh No.1212 & Bro. Teh Wason PM of Lodge Fergusson St. James No. 566 .

The Lodge was full to capacity to witness this very special degree in memory of these two very well known and loved Brothers that were so well respected through the Province of Ayrshire .

After the degree was finished the SPGM congratulated the RWMs of both Lodges. Bro. Ross Fisher RWM 1212 & Bro. David Wason RWM 566 and the degree team for the standard of degree .He also congratulated them on the magnificent idea and for their continued charity work for the Ayrshire Hospice having previously raised £8030.

A fine harmony followed the degree where there was a very successful auction and raffle.

Congratulations to all involved



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