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50 Year Diploma: Bro. William A.D. Devlin, Lodge Boswell St.James No. 1011

On Tuesday 14th May, Brother Liam Stewart SPGM attended a Special Meeting of Lodge Boswell St. James No. 1011, where an EA degree was conferred. The substitute candidate was the recipient of a 50yr Diploma:- Brother William A. D. Devlin PM retraced his steps, 50yrs (to the day!) since his Initiation in 1974.

The RWM and WSW (his nephew and brother) played a big part in the degree, along with the other Office-bearers of the Lodge.

SPGM presented the diploma and gave an overview of Brother Delvin’s personal and Masonic life, drawing on many parallels and significant dates. After the degree was conferred and presentation made, the brethren enjoyed some excellent harmony and hospitality. Congratulations to Bro. Devlin and all at Boswell St James!


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