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250th Anniversary Celebration: Lodge Tarbolton (Kilwinning) St James No. 135

Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Bro. Joseph Morrow with RWM Bro. Stuart Baird

The 250th ceremony of rededication at Lodge Tarbolton (Kilwinning) St. James No. 135 was attended by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro. Dr. Joseph Morrow, and a significant delegation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland on Saturday, 18th May 2024.

Grand Lodge Deputation

The gathering was joined by a significant group of members from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire, led by the Depute Provincial Grand Master, Brother Stephen McConnachie. Additionally, Brother Thomas Wood, the RWPGM of the Provincial Grand Lodge of Kilwinning, was present at the meeting.

Members of 135 with the Provincial Deputation

RWM Bro. Baird with Depute PGM Bro. Stephen McConnachie

The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason led the beautifully conducted rededication ceremony, with assistance from Substitute Grand Master Mason, Bro. John McKenzie, and Grand Chaplin, Bro. Alec Shuttleworth, who is also the Depute Master of Lodge 135.

Depute Grand Master Mason, Bro. William Gauld, with RWM Bro. Stuart Baird

RWM Bro. Stuart Baird with Substitute Grand Master Mason Bro. John McKenzie

Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason, Bro. Joseph Morrow

A wonderful harmony was enjoyed by the brethren after the meeting. All in all it was a memorable occasion for all in occasion, in particular the RWM and brethren of 135.


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