On Saturday 29th March 2024, Brother Adam Howie was installed as Master of Lodge Burns Dundonald No. 1759, by Bros Archibald Chalmers PM 127, William M. Nicol PM 1759 and John Law PM 1759.

There was a fantastic representation of lodges within and outwith Ayrshire, including no fewer than fourteen reigning Masters and the Lodge was exceptionally busy.

The PGLA deputation was led by RWPGM Brother James Bell.
The new Master (Brother Howie) is a Founder Member of the Lodge, as is Brother Chalmers, so this marked a significant milestone in the Lodge’s history, in addition to a message of congratulations and best wishes from the Founder Master, Brother Adam Cunningham (PPGM).

Congratulations to all at Lodge Burns Dundonald No. 1759, and best wishes for 2024 and beyond!