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150th Joint Anniversary Celebration: Lodge The Bonnie Doon No.565 & Lodge Fergusson St. James No.566.

MWGMM Bro. Ramsay McGhee, RWPGM Bro. James Bell, RWM Bro. Robert Stevenson & RWM Bro. David Wason 566
MWGMM Bro. Ramsay McGhee, RWPGM Bro. James Bell, RWM Bro. Robert Stevenson & RWM Bro. David Wason 566

The joint 150th ceremony of rededication of Lodge The Bonnie Doon No.565 & Lodge Fergusson St. James No.566 was attended by the Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason Bro. Ramsay McGhee and a significant delegation from the Grand Lodge of Scotland on Saturday 1st February 2025.

The gathering was joined by a very large Deputation from the Provincial Grand Lodge of Ayrshire, led by the Right Worshipful Provincial Grand Master, Brother James Bell.

The Most Worshipful Grand Master Mason led the beautifully conducted rededication ceremony, with assistance from Grand Chaplain Bro. Revd. Alec Shuttleworth and various other members of the Grand Lodge Deputation.

This was a very unique day, having two sister lodges sharing their Anniversary on the same day and having a joint Rededication ceremony. The MWGMM pointed out that this has only happened on one other occasion. Bro. Robert Green PM No.11 Secretary No.566 delivered an articulate and very detailed joint history of both Lodges which was very enthusiastically received by the full to capacity Lodge room .

There was an added bonus at the end of the ceremony when Bro Archibald Chalmers Grand Senior Deacon & PPGM of Ayrshire presented Bro. Robert Stevenson RWM 565 with a list of the missing Past Masters which the Bonnie Doon 565 had no record of, whereby he, along with Bro Robert Green PM No11 Secretary 566, had researched various records at Grand lodge, local libraries and newspaper archives. Bro Robert Stevenson RWM, along with the Brethren of 566, were amazed that they had managed to find the missing names and were very grateful for all their years of research.

A wonderful harmony was enjoyed by the Brethren after the meeting. All in all, it was a memorable occasion for all in attendance, in particular the RWM's and Brethren of 565 & 566.




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